Tuesday, 4 November 2008

My personal evaluation

My personal evaluation

I feel that the preliminary task was very straight forward and challenge less; this was due to our planning and story boarding which allowed us to work with a very ‘step by step’ attitude.
As I was an actor in our piece I felt that I contributed to the task immensely and I was able to focus on the task instead of having a good time with my friends. I also observed the continuity of our location and myself and my partners clothing; for example, the tags on my trainers were out at the beginning of the scene, it was mandatory that they stayed the same throughout the scene.
I also took part in the filming process, to get to grips with the camera, but as I had used a camcorder for family and home video’s, I was not overwhelmed with what buttons to press and when.
Finally, the editing process was probably the most challenging part of the task, as the software was very confusing and not very ‘user friendly’ for first time editors. But after a little bit of practice I was able to get used to the software.
For our Thriller opening scene I will ensure that I include myself to an even greater deal, perhaps spending more time on the filming area, rather than laying a dominant part of the film. I feel that I have learnt some skills which I can then continue onto future projects.

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