Tuesday, 4 November 2008

The Matrix (1999)

The opening scene of The Matrix is very dark and murky. It begins with a bright light shone directly into the camera as the camera slowly pans left, afterwards you see the police officers moving in towards their destination. This creates tension towards the audience as the criminal must be very dangerous. The director also uses torch light to highlight the character, which works well as it is a large contrast to the dark surroundings.
The Director also uses music to heighten the action; however it is not continuous as there large pauses with diegetic sound such as breath and sudden crescendo music to intensify the moment. This is also being used with moments of slow motion as Trinity is running away from the police officers.
Another idea I gathered from this opening scene is the way in which the agents crash the vehicle into the phone booth which trinity is standing in, but the director decided to avoid showing impact to her body. Consequently, allowing the audience to have a moment of suspense as they wait to find out if she is dead or alive.

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