Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Editing the Preliminary Exercise

We first filmed the preliminary task in the T.V. studio, and when it came to editing it, we found out that the switches on the microphone had been changed and so no sound was recorded. This meant that we would have to re-record the whole task, again.

In a way I think that making this mistake at the beginning of the course has benefitted our group for two reasons:
  • We now know to check, everytime we use a camera, that the sound is turned on and is recorded.
  • I think it's better that this has happened to us now, at a point when we are still learning how to use the cameras and can easily re-film it, as opposed to when we are filming an important task which we can't film again.
I think that we have all learnt form our mistake and can improve on our filming by checking it everytime.

After filming a second time, we edited our preliminary task. We began this by looking through the video files, which we had uploaded the previous lesson, and finding where we want the first clip to start. We then pressed 'Set in' on the keyboard and it cuts the clip into that specific point. We then continue to watch it and when it gets to the point where we wanted to change angle, we paused it and pressed 'Set out' on the keyboard.

Once we had chosen how we want the clip, we dragged the clip and put it onto the time line. We repeated this on every shot that we wanted incuding a shot reverse shot and an establishing shot.

When we had applied this technique to the whole short film, we had to put credits on the end as well.

At first I didn't know how to do this, until Jack showed me. Under the preview screen, there is a small 'A' meaning you can input text onto the video file. When I clicked on it, a list of options came down. We pressed 'Rolling Credits' and then onto 'Controls' where we wrote in our names. When we previewed it, the credits had been set to be in the centre and to roll form top to bottom, so this is what happened.

We then dragged the credits onto the end of the time line and this was the end of the editing process.

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